翻译下面 《周易》
leather: nai-fu, has been, yuanhenglizhen, hui death. tuan said: leather, water and fire of interest, and two women live together, not xiangde-chi, said ge. others, ** corfu; leather and the letter also. civilization to say, ** a tycoon, leather and when, hui ** dead. world leather and 4%, tang wu revolution, in accord with the days and should be between people, when the italian leather just zai! elephant said: ze in the fire, leather; gentleman rule that when the calendar.
on 6: gentlemen leopard change, villain leather face, the levy fierce, ranking sadakichi. as said: gentlemen leopard change its wen wei also. villain leather face, to shun-jun also from.
september 5: adult tigers changed, not occupy corfu. as said: adult tiger change its wenbing also.
september 4: hui death, corfu to life, kyrgyzstan. as said: to life in kyrgyzstan, and also the letter chi.
september 3: levy fierce, fok, li, leather on the three words, corfu. as said: leather on the three words, how can the just.
june 2: f, ** the leather, zheng ji, wu jiu. as said: leather, the others, will also h**e stoker.
chujiu: gong use of cattle leather. as said: gong with cattle, who are not.
on 6: gentlemen leopard change, villain leather face, the levy fierce, ranking sadakichi. as said: gentlemen leopard change its wen wei also. villain leather face, to shun-jun also from.
september 5: adult tigers changed, not occupy corfu. as said: adult tiger change its wenbing also.
september 4: hui death, corfu to life, kyrgyzstan. as said: to life in kyrgyzstan, and also the letter chi.
september 3: levy fierce, fok, li, leather on the three words, corfu. as said: leather on the three words, how can the just.
june 2: f, ** the leather, zheng ji, wu jiu. as said: leather, the others, will also h**e stoker.
chujiu: gong use of cattle leather. as said: gong with cattle, who are not.
2024-11-16 03:30:27
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答都半斤八两 不同人不同见解 一个卦辞往往多种解读 要是就是学习一下的话 建议看看傅佩荣的版本 不过郭彧的也还凑合吧要是想深层次学习 那就看看《周易尚氏学》
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