I Want To Spend My Lif
I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You
Moon so bright,night so fine,
Keep your heart here with mine
Life''s a dream we are dreaming
Race the moon,catch the wind,
Ride the night to the end,
Seize the day,stand up for the light
I want to spend my lifetime loving you
If that is all in life I ever do
Heroes rise,heroes fall,
Rise again,win it all,
In your heart,can''t you feel the glory?Through our joy,through our pain,
We can move worlds again
Take my hand,dance with me
I want to spend my lifetime loving you
If that is all in life I ever do
I will want nothing else to see me through
If I can spend my lifetime loving you
Though we know we will never come again
Where there is love,life begins
Over and over again
S**e the night,s**e the day,
S**e the love,come what may,
Love is worth everything we pay
I Want To Spend My Lif
I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You
Moon so bright,night so fine,
Keep your heart here with mine
Life''s a dream we are dreaming
Race the moon,catch the wind,
Ride the night to the end,
Seize the day,stand up for the light
I want to spend my lifetime loving you
If that is all in life I ever do
Heroes rise,heroes fall,
Rise again,win it all,
In your heart,can''t you feel the glory?Through our joy,through our pain,
We can move worlds again
Take my hand,dance with me
I want to spend my lifetime loving you
If that is all in life I ever do
I will want nothing else to see me through
If I can spend my lifetime loving you
Though we know we will never come again
Where there is love,life begins
Over and over again
S**e the night,s**e the day,
S**e the love,come what may,
Love is worth everything we pay
2024-11-06 07:40:45
佚名2024-11-06 23:33:57
答展开全部<Amor Gitano feat.Alejendro Fe>
佚名2024-11-06 19:09:44
答I want to spend my lifetime to love you
佚名2024-11-06 06:20:51
答名字:ALEJANDRO:Gitana.歌词|BEYONC?Ven y quédate conmigo.Dame el corazón.Vida mía est...
佚名2024-11-06 04:42:20
问宫崎骏猫的报恩主题曲 谁谁翻唱的啊?中文叫什么名字。。。
答曾宝仪也唱过 但我还是觉得日语版的好听
佚名2024-11-06 03:53:31
问天行九歌主题曲叫什么名字 是谁演唱的
佚名2024-11-06 18:26:22
问谁看过会长是女仆大人? 里面的男主角名字怎么读?
答日文名:碓氷拓海(うすい たくみ)TV版碓冰 中文拼音:duì bīng tuò haǐ 罗马音:usui takumi
佚名2024-11-06 22:46:39
答大丹犬---(Great Dane)大丹犬的英文名字是从法语名称“巨大的丹麦犬”
佚名2024-11-06 17:24:13
问谁知道终极三国里面 5虎将一起唱的那个叫什么歌啊?
答是陈乃杰的召唤兽 我愿做你的召唤兽陪你闯危险的宇宙期待你有一天回头看看我当你真的躲不过诱惑·······记不住了
佚名2024-11-06 08:00:00
答一梦繁唐 第一个版本是洛天依唱的,后来不知道为啥又改成温崇正唱了。
佚名2024-11-06 08:00:00
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