
求Michael Jackson 鬼怪MV中 变成骷髅时 唱的那段歌的名字

It's night and dark out.A group of people carrying burning tourches march through 'Normal Valley' heading for a lonely house on the outskirts of the town.They come to a halt in front of a gate,beside which is a sign that reads 'Someplace Else'.
『夜深了,四周一片漆黑。一帮人正手执火把穿过“普通山谷”走向镇外一座寂静的住宅。他们在一扇大铁门前面停了下来,门旁一个牌子上赫然写着“闲人免入”的字样。Black boy:Why don't we just le**e him alone?黑人男孩:为什么我们不能让他一个人静静地独处?White young boy:He hasn't hurt anybody.Can't we just go?白人小男孩:他并没有伤害过任何人,我们还是走吧?White older boy:(Slaps his younger brother's head)Your fault jerk!Couldn't keep your mouth shut.
大一些的白人男孩:(在白人小男孩的脑袋上来了一记)你这个蠢货!给我闭嘴!White mother:(Slaps the older brother)He did the right thing.
白人母亲:(在大一些的男孩的脑袋上也敲了一巴掌)他没说错什么啊!Mayor:He's a weirdo.There's no place in this town for weirdos.
镇长:他是个怪人,我们镇上不允许怪人住着。The gates open.
Black man:(scared)See,that.that.that.that ain't a good sign!黑人男子:(吓坏了)看,那…那…那不是个好兆头!They walk in the gates,and the doors to the house in front of them open.
『人们走进大铁门,随即房子的大门也在他们面前打开。White young boy:(to his older bother)Just like last time.It's the ghost!白人小男孩:(对他的哥哥)和上次一样!是鬼!White older boy:(Slaps his brother again)Shut up!白人大男孩:(又给了他弟弟一巴掌)闭嘴!White mother:(Slaps the older brother again)Don't hit your brother!白人母亲:(又给了白人大男孩一巴掌)别打你弟弟!Black boy's mother:(to her son)There is no such thing as ghosts,honey.
黑人男孩的母亲:(对她的孩子)世界上根本没有鬼,甜心。Mayor:(to black boy)I'm gonna prove it to you kid.Let's go!镇长:(对黑人男孩)我会证明给你看的孩子,咱们走!The mayor leads them in.
White woman 2:(Nervous)Did anyone call and make sure this is a good time.?Maybe we should come back later.
Black woman 2:Yeah,like when it's light out.you know,like daytime.
另一黑人妇女:对啊,像光线更充足的时候,比如白天。They walk all the way into the house.The doors close behind them.Lightening strikes.
Black man:(really scared)Oh damn!黑人男子:(非常恐惧)噢,见鬼!They walk along a corridor and the door in front of them closes.Another door opens,and they walk in.They come into a big hallroom.They all scream as a r**en flies over their heads and disappear into darkness.
Villagers:What was that?镇民们:那是什么东西?They see a flick of a black cape disappear where the r**en landed.Lightening strikes and for a split second they see a person standing there.They walk a bit closer and suddenly see the person's face:a scull!『在乌鸦落地的瞬间,他们看到一件黑色的斗篷一闪。接着闪电再次照亮了大厅,就在这短短一瞬,人们看到有一个人站在那里。他们走近了一些,突然看到了那人的脸:一具头骨!They all jump and the skelleton with the black cape walks towards them.But to their relief the 'skelleton' is only a mask which the person takes off,and they discover the Maestro's face behind it.
『人们都吓得跳了起来,这时,穿着黑斗篷的骷髅走向他们并且缓缓摘下面具,这时人们才松了口气,原来骷髅只是那人脸上的面具。他们更发现那面具后面原来是迈斯卓(迈克尔在本片中的名字,英语中是艺术大师的意思)的脸。Maestro:Did I scare you?迈斯卓:我吓着你们没有?Woman:Uh-huh!妇女:嗯哼!(英语中表示肯定的语气词)
Black boy:That's him mom!黑人男孩:就是他!妈妈!Black boy's mother:I see.
黑人母亲:我知道了。White young boy:Hi!白人小男孩:嗨!White older boy:Sorry.
Mayor:No you didn't scare me.Maybe you scared them,but you didn't scare me.
镇长:不,你没吓着我。也许你吓着他们了,但你没吓着我。Maestro:(Smiles)Well that's too bad isn't is?I guess I h**e to try harder next time.
迈斯卓:(微笑)那可真糟啊,不是吗?我想我下次得再努力一点。Mayor:There won't be a next time.
镇长:没有下次了!Maestro:Oh really?迈斯卓:哦?是吗?Mayor:Oh really.
镇长:哦,当然。Maestro:No next time huh?Why is that?迈斯卓:没有下次了吗?为什么会那样呢?Mayor:We want you out of town.We h**e a nice normal town.Normal people.Normal kids.We don't need freaks like you telling them ghoststories.
镇长:我们要你离开这个镇子,我们的镇子平和而又普通,普通的人、普通的孩子。我们不需要像你一样的怪人来讲鬼故事。Maestro:So you don't believe in ghosts?迈斯卓:你是说你们不相信有鬼么?Black boy:I do!黑人男孩:我信!Black woman 2:Me too!另一黑人妇女:我也信!Black boy's mother:Hush up!You see what you've done?Aren't you ashamed?Young people are impressionable!黑人男孩的母亲:安静点!瞧瞧你们干了什么?你们不觉得丢人吗?年轻人就是敏感!White young boy:Show them the neat stuff you did for us!白人小男孩:把你做给我们看的奇妙的东西做给他们看看!White older brother:(Slaps his brother)Shut up,that's supposed to be a secret!白人大男孩:(给了他弟弟一巴掌)闭嘴!这是秘密!White mother:(Slaps the older brother)Don't hit your brother!白人母亲:(给了大男孩一巴掌)不要打你弟弟!'Something' slaps the mothers head.They all look scared.
Mayor:You're weird.You're strange.And I don't like you.You're scaring these kids,living up here all alone.
镇长:你很怪,你很奇异,我不喜欢你。一个人孤零零地住在这里的你吓坏了这些孩子。Maestro:I'm not alone.And you're right,I do like scaring people,yes.But it's just for fun!Don't you kids.uh.enjoy when.I do my little.you know.
The kids **ile and nod.
『孩子们微笑着点头。Mayor:But the fun's over.Back to the circus you freak!And do yourself a f**our,ok,don't force us to get rough with you,'cause we will if we h**e to.
镇长:不过游乐结束了。回你的马戏团去吧,小丑!为你自己着想一下,不要逼我们对你不客气。要是逼不得以,我们会这么做的。The rest of the villagers begin to protest a little.
『其它人中传出一些抗议声。Maestro:You're trying to scare me,aren't you?I'll tell you what,we'll play a game.(rises his voice)Anybody here like playing games?Hello?(claps)GAMETIME!迈斯卓:你想吓唬我是吧?我告诉你,我们要做个游戏。(提高嗓音)谁想玩游戏啊?喂!(拍巴掌)游戏时间到了!The kids **ile.
『孩子们微笑着。White older brother:Yes!白人大男孩:太棒了!Maestro:The first person who gets scared has to le**e.How about that?迈斯卓:谁第一个被吓倒就得离开,怎么样?White woman 2:I'll go please!另一白人妇女:我要离开!Mayor:I don't play games with freaks.
镇长:我不和怪物玩游戏。Maestro:There's no need to be rude.
迈斯卓:你不需要这样粗鲁吧。White woman 2:Yes,I agree,there's no need to be rude.You h**e a very lovely home,but I'm afraid we overstayed our welcome,so we're gonna go,ok,can we go.?另一白人妇女:对,我同意,不要那么粗鲁。你的房子非常漂亮,不过我想我只能谢绝你的盛情欢迎了,我们要回去了,好吧?我们走吧好吗?The Maestro snaps and points at her.She stops talking.
『迈斯卓对她打了个响指,她立刻不说话了。Mayor:Are you gonna le**e,or am I gonna h**e to hurt you?镇长:你是要自行离开,或是要逼我对你采取强硬措施?Maestro:You ARE trying to scare me,I guess I h**e no choice.I guess I h**e to scare you.Watch this!(laughs)Tell me,do you think this is scary?迈斯卓:你在威胁我,我想我似乎是没得选择了。看来我要给你点颜色看看才行。瞧这!(笑声)告诉我,你们认为这可怕吗?He pulls a face and the kids start to laugh.
『他扮了一个鬼脸,孩子们则开始发笑。Black woman:Is that it?黑人妇女:就这个?Mayor:That's ridiculous!That's not funny.
镇长:真可笑!这一点都不好玩!Maestro:Ok fine,what about this one?迈斯卓:那么好吧,看这个怎么样?He pulls another face and the kids laugh again.
『他做出了另一张鬼脸,逗得孩子们哈哈大笑。White mother:Is that it?白人母亲:就这个?Maestro:Did that scare you?迈斯卓:这个吓着你了吗?Mayor:Did you hear what I said?Freaky boy,it's time for you to go.
镇长:你没听见我说的话吗?怪物,你该离开了!Maestro:(angry voice)Is THIS scary?迈斯卓:(生气的声音)“这个”吓人吗?The Maestro grabs his skin by the eyes and mouth and pulls it out.The Villagers gasp and scream.He takes his chin and pulls down his jaw,the Villagers scream louder and back up.
『迈斯卓抓住自己眼睛旁边和嘴胡乱扯开。镇民们有的倒抽一口冷气,有的大声尖叫。他又抓住下巴把自己的嘴拉得老长,镇民们叫得更大声了,并且纷纷后退。Black kid:Wow!黑人男孩:哇!The Maestro grabs his skin again and tears his whole face off,only the scull is left.He then knocks on both sides if his head,the scull breaks and his own face shows up again.The Villagers run towards the the door,but he closes it before they get a chance to escape.The black man starts to sob.
2024-10-01 02:34:41