

Since it is prohibitively expensive to build a sufficiently large tank of water,physicists Halzen and Morse pursued a suggestion from a glaciologist:Look for neutrinos in the vast expanses of ultra-clear ice in Antarctica.At depths greater than about three-
quarters of a mile,the pressure inside the glaciers squeezes ou
t air bubbles,creating an extremely transparent me
dium in which a photon of light tr**e
ls an **erage of 700 feet before being absorbed.Dow
n there,the ice is bathed in a continuous blue glow
from millions of sparking muons.The primary
task of the AMANDA sensors is to study this glow
and track how the muons tr**el through the ice.All the downward-m
oving muons come from low-energy neutri
nos created in the atmosphere above the South
Pole.The interesting ones will be those movin
g upward,which are mostly energet
ic particles originating from the sun
or from somewhere far beyond the sola
r system.The intensity of each blue flash
reveals the energy of the neutrino that produced it.
2024-09-30 22:50:22